Herbal medicine makes use of plants that modern scientific research and clinical trials have confirmed the traditional uses of. 

Having studied a Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Herbal Medicine which consisted of not only plant medicine but also orthodox medicine, and trained in the same diagnostic skills as your GP, I am able to prescribe natural remedies and work along side your other medications where needed.

I look to treat the underlying cause of illness rather than just the symptoms, taking a holistic approach to your healthcare. 

The choice of herbs chosen for your prescription could come as a tincture (plant constituents extracted in alcohol), a herbal tea, an infused cream or supplements. You may be prescribed a mixture of all depending on your unique needs.

What happens on a consultation?

Your first consultation can take up to 2 hours as we dive deep into your health concerns, first looking at your presenting complaint and then looking into each of the body systems to see how your body is interacting with itself.

Your presenting complaint will be looked at in detail to find out when it started, anything that makes it better or worse, any tests you may have had done and any previous medical history.

The body systems then looked at are:

If it is appropriate a clinical exam may also take place with your consent. 

Please take a look at the FAQs page for further details

herbs for anxiety and depression

Book an appointment here

Appointments can be in person or online via a video link if you do not live local or if you simply prefer it that way

If you don't want to book online, get in touch via...

Email: bloomingnaturalhealth@gmail.com

Call or Text: 07749 060896

Fill in out enquiry form here

Address: 33 Eastbourne Way, Grimsby, N E Lincolnshire, DN33 2PH